Nutritional Benefits

Growing research shows that fruits and vegetables are vital to promoting good health.  Our bodies are made up of several intricate systems, and a nutritious diet is very essential to keeping these systems functioning properly.

Some scientists are studying fruits and vegetables based on their color and are discovering their real beauty lies in what’s inside.  Like a rainbow, fruits and vegetables can be divided into color groups…

At Norm Lehne Garden & Orchards, LLC you can pick the following rainbow of farm-fresh, vine-ripe produce as they ripen throughout the season.  Eating the full rainbow assortment of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis is one of the keys to giving your body the nutrients it needs.


Below is a list of our produce divided by color.  Some of the fruits and vegetables fall into more than one color group. The skin color of the item may be very different from the color of the flesh inside. Or as in beets, the leaves are green and the beet is red.  Be creative…have more than one color on your palate at each meal!


RED fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients such as the carotenoid lycopene and flavonoids like anthocyanins.  These are being studied for their potential role in reducing the risk of some cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and delaying some age related diseases.

Norm’s RED fruits & vegetables:
Apples:  Paula Red, Red Delicious, Rome Beauty, Spitzenberg BeetsCabbagePeppersTomatoesWatermelon

YELLOW/ORANGE fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients such as carotenoids like beta-carotene and zeaxanthin; flavonoids; and vitamin C. These are being studied for their potential role in supporting the immune system, reducing the risk of some cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and delaying some age related diseases.

Norm’s YELLOW/ORANGE fruits & vegetables:

Apples: Yellow/Golden Delicious; Nectarines; Peaches; Pears;
; Carrots; Cheddar Cauliflower; Corn; Cucumbers; Cantaloupe & Other Melons; Peppers; Pumpkins;
Summer Squash: Yellow Crookneck; Winter Squash

GREEN fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients such as the carotenoids beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin; indoles and isothiocyanates.  These are being studied for their potential role in protecting against some eye ailments, reducing the risk of some cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

Norm’s GREEN fruits & vegetables:

Apples: Gravenstein, Newtown/Pippin; Pears; Beans: Blue Lake, Romano; Beets (green leaves) Broccoli; Romanesco Broccoli; Cabbage; CucumbersPeppers; Summer Squash: Zucchini

PURPLE/BLUE fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients such as flavonoids like anthocyanins and phenolics like ellagitannins.  These are being studied for their potential role in reducing the risk of some cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and delaying some age related diseases.

Norm’s PURPLE/BLUE fruits & vegetables:

Cabbage; Purple Cauliflower; Eggplant; Peppers; Prunes/Plums: Brook, Italian, Moyer

WHITE/TAN/BROWN fruits and vegetables contain phytonutrients such as flavonoids, indoles, and isothiocyanates.  These are being studied for their potential role in reducing the risk of some cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

Norm’s WHITE/TAN/BROWN fruits & vegetables:



Though thousands of plant compounds are thought to exist, scientists have only studied a few.  Some of the research is centered around the colorful pigments in various fruits and vegetables to find out  what they might have in common.  Below is a brief list of some of these compounds.


PHYTONUTRIENTS: Natural compounds that come from fruits and vegetables. Many are being studied for their potential health benefits.

CAROTENOIDS: A family of phytonutrients; vibrantly colored pigments found in fruits and vegetables, mainly red, orange and yellow. Lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids. Research is ongoing to determine the potential link between these phytonutrients and several chronic diseases.

FLAVONOIDS: A class of phytonutrients found in many fruits and vegetables. There is interest in flavonoids for their medicinal properties, especially their potential role in supporting the immune system, reducing the risk of some cancers, and cardiovascular diseases, and delaying some age related diseases.

INDOLES: Aromatic phytonutrients commonly found in nature. One important indole (indole-3-carbinol) has received recognition for its potential role in reducing the risk of some cancers.

ISOTHIOCYANATES: A class of phytonutrients found in cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli. These phytonutrients are also under study for their potential benefit as a treatment for or preventative of cancer.

PYENOLES/POLYPHENOLS: Some research indicates that polyphenols may have antioxidant properties with potential health benefits. The main source of polyphenol antioxidants is nutritional, as they are found in many fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants may reduce the risk of some cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

We take pride in the important role our top quality, locally grown, farm-fresh, vine-ripe produce plays in providing healthy food!

We hope you will develop your own ‘Rainbow of Health’  by eating a wide variety of colorful  fruits and vegetables from Norm Lehne Garden & Orchards, LLC.

“Locally Grown, Farm-Fresh, Vine-Ripe Produce…Your Natural Choice !”